Breakpoint Glyphs

The source windows and the disassembly window show the breakpoint locations by displaying symbols called glyphs in the left margin. The following table describes these glyphs.

If you rest the mouse on a breakpoint glyph, a breakpoint tip appears with more information. This information is helpful for error and warning breakpoints.

Table 4-1. Breakpoint Glyphs



Normal breakpoint. The solid glyph indicates that the breakpoint is enabled. The hollow glyph indicates that it is disabled.

Advanced breakpoint. Active/disabled. The + sign indicates that the breakpoint has at least one advanced feature (like condition, hit count, or filter) attached.

Breakpoint error. The X indicates that the breakpoint could not be set because of an error condition.

Breakpoint warning. The exclamation mark indicates that a breakpoint could not be set because of a temporary condition. Usually, this means that the code at the breakpoint or tracepoint location has not loaded. It can also be seen if you attach to a process, and process symbols are not loaded. The breakpoint will be enabled when the code or symbols are loaded, and the glyph will change.