
Table 3-15. Table Specific Parameters
Data Font SizeNumericSets the size of the font in the data part of a cell
Label Font SizeNumericSets the size of the font in the label part of a cell
Data Column WidthNumericWidth of the data part of each cell. Note that changing this width will change the total width of the table.
Label Column WidthNumericWidth of the label part of each cell. Note that changing this width will change the total width of the table.
Row HeightNumericHeight if each row in the table. Note that changing this height will change the total height of the table.
Number of RowsNumericNumber of rows in the table
Number of ColumnsNumericNumber of columns in the table
Auto LabelsCheckboxEnables the Auto Labels mode. If disabled labels must be configured manually
Label ConfigurationStringString configuring the labels when using Manual Labels mode (Auto Labels option disabled). Format is <column>:<row>:<label>;<column>:<row>:<label>...
Data BoldCheckboxSets bold style of the font in the data part of each cell
Data ItalicCheckboxSets italic style of the font in the data part of each cell
Label BoldCheckboxSets bold style of the font in the label part of each cell
Label ItalicCheckboxSets italic style of the font in the label part of each cell
Background ColorColorSets the background color of the table
Foreground ColorColorSets the color of the table grid and the data and label text
Label Horizontal AlignmentDrop-down boxSelects the placement of the text in the label part of each cell (Left, Center, or Right)
Data Horizontal AlignmentDrop-down boxSelects the placement of the text in the data part of each cell (Left, Center, or Right)