49.6.6 Register Write Protection

To prevent any single software error from corrupting PDMC behavior, certain registers in the address space can be write-protected by setting the WPEN bit or the WPITEN bit in the PDMC Write Protection Mode Register (PDMC_WPMR).

If a write access to a write-protected register is detected, the WPVS flag in the PDMC Write Protection Status Register (PDMC_WPSR) is set and the field WPSRC indicates the register in which the write access has been attempted.

The WPVS bit is automatically cleared after reading PDMC_WPSR.

The following registers can be write-protected by setting PDMC_WPMR.WPEN:

PDMC Mode Register

PDMC Configuration Register

The following registers can be write-protected by setting PDMC_WPMR.WPITEN:

PDMC Interrupt Enable Register

PDMC Interrupt Disable Register