45.7.5 Fault Control A and B

Name: FCTRLn
Offset: 0x0C + n*0x04 [n=0..1]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 27:24 – FILTERVAL[3:0] Recoverable Fault n Filter Value

These bits define the filter value applied on MCEx (x=0,1) event input line. The value must be set to zero when MCEx event is used as synchronous event.

Bits 23:16 – BLANKVAL[7:0] Recoverable Fault n Blanking Value

These bits determine the duration of the blanking of the fault input source. Activation and edge selection of the blank filtering are done by the BLANK bits (FCTRLn.BLANK).

When enabled, the fault input source is internally disabled for BLANKVAL* prescaled GCLK_TCCx periods after the detection of the waveform edge.

Bit 15 – BLANKPRESC Recoverable Fault n Blanking Value Prescaler

This bit enables a factor 64 prescaler factor on used as base frequency of the BLANKVAL value.

0 Blank time is BLANKVAL* prescaled GCLK_TCCx.
1 Blank time is BLANKVAL* 64 * prescaled GCLK_TCCx.

Bits 14:12 – CAPTURE[2:0] Recoverable Fault n Capture Action

These bits select the capture and Fault n interrupt/event conditions.

Table 45-9. Fault n Capture Action
Value Name Description
0x0 DISABLE Capture on valid recoverable Fault n is disabled
0x1 CAPT On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0].

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each new captured value.

0x2 CAPTMIN On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0], if COUNT value is lower than the last stored capture value (CC).

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each local minimum detection.

0x3 CAPTMAX On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0], if COUNT value is higher than the last stored capture value (CC).

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each local maximun detection.

0x4 LOCMIN On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0].

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each local minimum value detection.

0x5 LOCMAX On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0].

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each local maximun detection.

0x6 DERIV0 On rising edge of a valid recoverable Fault n, capture counter value on channel selected by CHSEL[1:0].

INTFLAG.FAULTn flag rises on each local maximun or minimum detection.

0x7 CAPTMARK Capture with ramp index as MSB value.

Bits 11:10 – CHSEL[1:0] Recoverable Fault n Capture Channel

These bits select the channel for capture operation triggered by recoverable Fault n.

0x0 CC0 Capture value stored into CC0
0x1 CC1 Capture value stored into CC1
0x2 CC2 Capture value stored into CC2
0x3 CC3 Capture value stored into CC3

Bits 9:8 – HALT[1:0] Recoverable Fault n Halt Operation

These bits select the halt action for recoverable Fault n.

0x0 DISABLE Halt action disabled
0x1 HW Hardware halt action
0x2 SW Software halt action
0x3 NR Non-recoverable fault

Bit 7 – RESTART Recoverable Fault n Restart

Setting this bit enables restart action for Fault n.

0 Fault n restart action is disabled.
1 Fault n restart action is enabled.

Bits 6:5 – BLANK[1:0] Recoverable Fault n Blanking Operation

These bits, select the blanking start point for recoverable Fault n.

0x0 START Blanking applied from start of the Ramp period
0x1 RISE Blanking applied from rising edge of the waveform output
0x2 FALL Blanking applied from falling edge of the waveform output
0x3 BOTH Blanking applied from each toggle of the waveform output

Bit 4 – QUAL Recoverable Fault n Qualification

Setting this bit enables the recoverable Fault n input qualification.

0 The recoverable Fault n input is not disabled on CMPx value condition.
1 The recoverable Fault n input is disabled when output signal is at inactive level (CMPx == 0).

Bit 3 – KEEP Recoverable Fault n Keep

Setting this bit enables the Fault n keep action.

0 The Fault n state is released as soon as the recoverable Fault n is released.
1 The Fault n state is released at the end of TCC cycle.

Bits 1:0 – SRC[1:0] Recoverable Fault n Source

These bits select the TCC event input for recoverable Fault n.

Event system channel connected to MCEx event input, must be configured to route the event asynchronously, when used as a recoverable Fault n input.

0x0 DISABLE Fault input disabled
0x1 ENABLE MCEx (x=0,1) event input
0x2 INVERT Inverted MCEx (x=0,1) event input
0x3 ALTFAULT Alternate fault (A or B) state at the end of the previous period.