25.6.16 Channel Control A

Offset: 0x40 + n*0x10 [n=0..31]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 29:28 – THRESHOLD[1:0] FIFO Threshold

These bits define the threshold from which the DMA starts to write to the destination. These bits have no effect in the case of single beat transfers.

These bits are not enable-protected.

0x0 1BEAT Destination write starts after each beat source addess read
0x1 2BEATS Destination write starts after 2-beats source address read
0x2 4BEATS Destination write starts after 4-beats source address read
0x3 8BEATS Destination write starts after 8-beats source address read

Bits 27:24 – BURSTLEN[3:0] Burst Length

These bits define the burst mode.

These bits are not enable-protected.

0x0 SINGLE Single-beat burst
0x1 2BEAT 2-beats burst length
0x2 3BEAT 3-beats burst length
0x3 4BEAT 4-beats burst length
0x4 5BEAT 5-beats burst length
0x5 6BEAT 6-beats burst length
0x6 7BEAT 7-beats burst length
0x7 8BEAT 8-beats burst length
0x8 9BEAT 9-beats burst length
0x9 10BEAT 10-beats burst length
0xA 11BEAT 11-beats burst length
0xB 12BEAT 12-beats burst length
0xC 13BEAT 13-beats burst length
0xD 14BEAT 14-beats burst length
0xE 15BEAT 15-beats burst length
0xF 16BEAT 16-beats burst length

Bits 21:20 – TRIGACT[1:0] Trigger Action

These bits define the trigger action used for a transfer.

These bits are not enable-protected.

0x0 BLOCK One trigger required for each block transfer
0x1 Reserved
0x2 BURST One trigger required for each burst transfer
0x3 TRANSACTION One trigger required for each transaction

Bits 14:8 – TRIGSRC[6:0] Trigger Source

These bits define the peripheral that will be the source of a trigger.
Index Instance Channel Presentation
0x00 DISABLE Only software/event triggers
0x01 RTC TIMESTAMP DMA RTC timestamp trigger
0x02 DSU DCC0 DMAC ID for DCC0 register
0x03 DSU DCC1 DMAC ID for DCC1 register
0x04 SERCOM0 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x05 SERCOM0 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x06 SERCOM1 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x07 SERCOM1 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x08 SERCOM2 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x09 SERCOM2 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x0A SERCOM3 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x0B SERCOM3 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x0C SERCOM4 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x0D SERCOM4 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x0E SERCOM5 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x0F SERCOM5 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x10 SERCOM6 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x11 SERCOM6 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x12 SERCOM7 RX Index of DMA RX trigger
0x13 SERCOM7 TX Index of DMA TX trigger
0x14 CAN0 DEBUG DMA CAN Debug Req
0x15 CAN1 DEBUG DMA CAN Debug Req
0x16 TCC0 OVF DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
0x1C - 0x17 TCC0 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x1D TCC1 OVF DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
0x21- 0x1E TCC1 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x22 TCC2 OVF DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
0x25 - 0x23 TCC2 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x26 TCC3 OVF DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
0x28 - 0x27 TCC3 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x29 TCC4 OVF DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
0x2B - 0x2A TCC4 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x2C TC0 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x2E - 0x2D TC0 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x2F TC1 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x31 - 0x30 TC1 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x32 TC2 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x34 - 0x33 TC2 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x35 TC3 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x37 - 0x36 TC3 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x38 TC4 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x3A - 0x39 TC4 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x3B TC5 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x3D:0x3C TC5 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x3E TC6 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x40 - 0x3F TC6 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x41 TC7 OVF Indexes of DMA Overflow trigger
0x43 - 0x41 TC7 MC Indexes of DMA Match/Compare triggers
0x44 ADC0 RESRDY index of DMA RESRDY trigger
0x45 ADC0 SEQ Index of DMA SEQ trigger
0x46 ADC1 RESRDY Index of DMA RESRDY trigger
0x47 ADC1 SEQ Index of DMA SEQ trigger
0x49 - 0x48 DAC EMPTY DMA DAC Empty Req
0x4B - 0x4A DAC RESRDY DMA DAC Result Ready Req
0x4D - 0x4C I2S RX Indexes of DMA RX triggers
0x4F - 0x4E I2S TX Indexes of DMA TX triggers
0x50 PCC RX Indexes of PCC RX trigger
0x51 AES WR DMA DATA Write trigger
0x52 AES RD DMA DATA Read trigger
0x53 QSPI RX Indexes of QSPI RX trigger
0x54 QSPI TX Indexes of QSPI TX trigger

Bit 6 – RUNSTDBY Channel run in standby

This bit is used to keep the DMAC channel running in standby mode.

This bit is not enable-protected.

0 The DMAC channel is halted in standby.
1 The DMAC channel continues to run in standby.

Bit 1 – ENABLE Channel Enable

Writing a '0' to this bit during an ongoing transfer, the bit will not be cleared until the internal data transfer buffer is empty and the DMA transfer is aborted. The internal data transfer buffer will be empty once the ongoing burst transfer is completed.

Writing a '1' to this bit will enable the DMA channel.

This bit is not enable-protected.

0 DMA channel is disabled.
1 DMA channel is enabled.

Bit 0 – SWRST Channel Software Reset

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit resets the channel registers to their initial state. The bit can be set when the channel is disabled (ENABLE=0). Writing a '1' to this bit will be ignored as long as ENABLE=1. This bit is automatically cleared when the reset is completed.

0 There is no reset operation ongoing.
1 The reset operation is ongoing.