6.7 Thermal Monitor (THEN, NTHW0, THW1, G1) Pins

An on-die temperature monitor with two warning thresholds and hysteresis is included in the PL460 to improve product reliability by avoiding high power dissipation situations. This risky condition might occur during PLC transmission in case of very low impedance load and high-level output signal conditions.

The input pin THEN is used to enable the thermal monitor functionality. Connecting it directly to the ENABLE pin is recommended to control both of them at the same time.

The open-drain outputs ‘NTHW0’ and ‘THW1’ are used to notify high temperature conditions as it is indicated in Table 6-1:

Table 6-1. Thermal Warning Temperature Threshold and Output Status
Output Thermal Threshold (℃) Output Status
Rise Fall Tdie≥ Tth Tdie< Tth
NTHW0 110 100 Low Hi-Z
THW1 120 110 Hi-Z Low

The first output, NTHW0, can be connected to the host controller to manage the temperature warning, but the second output, THW1, must be connected directly to the PL460 in order to manage the temperature warning itself. The pin G1 is configured in the PLC-protocol firmware to be used as an input interrupt for the thermal warning THW1, so it is recommended to connect pins THW1 and G1 directly.