37.5.10 I2CxBAUD

I2C Baud Rate Prescaler
Note: It is recommended to write this register only when the module is Idle (MMA = 0 or SMA = 0) or when the module is clock stretching (CSTR = 1 or MDR = 1).
Name: I2CxBAUD
Offset: 0x029D

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – BAUD[7:0] Baud Rate Prescaler Selection

n Prescaled I2C Clock Frequency (FPRECLK) = I2CxCLK(BAUD+1)
It is recommended to write this register only when the module is Idle (MMAHost Mode Active Status = 0 or SMAClient Mode Active Status = 0) or when the module is clock stretching (CSTR Client Clock Stretching(3) = 1 or MDR Host Data Request (Host pause) = 1).