Bus Idle Timeout

If the LIN bus is inactive for a certain duration, the Client nodes shall automatically enter in Sleep mode. In the LIN 2.0 specification, this timeout is fixed at 4 seconds. In the LIN 1.3 specification, it is fixed at 25,000 tbit.

In Client Node configuration, the receiver timeout detects an idle condition on the RXD line. When a timeout is detected, US_CSR.TIMEOUT rises and can generate an interrupt, thus indicating to the driver to go into Sleep mode.

The timeout delay period (during which the receiver waits for a new character) is programmed in US_RTOR.TO. If a ‘0’ is written to TO, the Receiver Timeout is disabled and no timeout is detected. US_CSR.TIMEOUT remains at ‘0’. Otherwise, the receiver loads a 17-bit counter with the value programmed in TO. This counter is decremented at each bit period and reloaded each time a new character is received. If the counter reaches 0, US_CSR.TIMEOUT rises.

If US_CR.STTTO is written to ‘1’, the counter clock is stopped until a first character is received.

If US_CR.RETTO is written to ‘1’, the counter starts counting down immediately from the value TO.

Table 45-14. Receiver Timeout Programming
LIN SpecificationBaud RateTimeout periodUS_RTOR.TO
2.01,000 bit/s4 s4,000
2,400 bit/s9,600
9,600 bit/s38,400
19,200 bit/s76,800
20,000 bit/s80,000
1.325,000 tbit25,000