The Baud Rate Generator (BRG) is an 8-bit or 16-bit timer that is
dedicated to the support of both the asynchronous and synchronous EUSART operation. By
default, the BRG operates in 8-bit mode. Setting the BRG16 bit of the BAUDxCON register
selects the 16-bit mode.
The SPxBRGH, SPxBRGL register pair determines the period of the
free-running baud rate timer. In Asynchronous mode, the multiplier of the baud rate period
is determined by both the BRGH bit of the TXxSTA register and the BRG16 bit of the BAUDxCON
register. In Synchronous mode, the BRGH bit is ignored.
Table 28-1 contains the formulas for determining the baud rate. Equation 28-1 provides a sample calculation for determining the baud rate and baud
rate error.
Typical baud rates and error values for various Asynchronous modes
have been computed and are shown in Table 28-2. It may be advantageous to use the high baud rate (BRGH =
1) or the 16-bit BRG (BRG16 = 1) to reduce the baud rate error. The 16-bit BRG mode is
used to achieve slow baud rates for fast oscillator frequencies. The BRGH bit is used to
achieve very high baud rates.
Writing a new value to the SPxBRGH, SPxBRGL register pair causes the
BRG timer to be reset (or cleared). This ensures that the BRG does not wait for a timer
overflow before outputting the new baud rate.
If the system clock is changed during an active receive operation, a
receive error or data loss may result. To avoid this problem, check the status of the RCIDL
bit to make sure that the receive operation is idle before changing the system clock.
Equation 28-1. Calculating Baud Rate Error
For a device with FOSC of 16 MHz, desired baud rate of 9600, Asynchronous
mode, 8-bit BRG:
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