17.8.15 Voltage Regulator System (VREG) Control

Name: VREG
Offset: 0x3C
Reset: 0x0X02
Property: Write-Protected

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/W 
Reset 0 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 01 

Bit 13 – FORCELDO Force LDO Voltage Regulator

0 The voltage regulator is in low-power and low-drive configuration in Standby Sleep mode
1 The voltage regulator is in low-power and high-drive configuration in Standby Sleep mode

Bit 6 – RUNSTDBY Run in Standby

0 The voltage regulator is in low-power configuration in Standby Sleep mode
1 The voltage regulator is in normal configuration in Standby Sleep mode

Bit 1 – ENABLE

Must be set to 1.