5.2.2 Break Options

Set the conditions that will cause program execution to halt. In general, the program will either break on option, ignore the option, or report the option.

Table 5-2. Break Options
Core (including stack) Warnings

Core (including stack) Errors

(Note 1)

Select break options from the drop-down lists for core warnings and errors:

Break – Report and break on core errors

Ignore – Ignore core errors (trap, normal behavior)

Report – Report and trap on core errors

Peripheral Warnings

Peripheral Errors

Select break options from the drop-down lists for peripheral (e.g., timers, ADC, USART, etc.) warnings and errors:

Break – Report and Break on Peripheral errors

Ignore – Ignore Peripheral errors (Trap/Reset, normal behavior)

Report – Report and Trap on Peripheral errors

WDT Warnings Select break options from the drop-down list for watchdog timer warnings:

Break – Break on WDT

Break+Warn – Report and Break on WDT

Reset – Reset on WDT (normal behavior)

Stimulus Notes Select break options from the drop-down lists for stimulus notes:

Break – Report and break on stimulus notes

Break after 1000 – Report and break after 1000 stimulus notes have occurred

Break after 200 – Report and break after 200 stimulus notes have occurred

Ignore – Ignore stimulus errors

Report – Report and trap on stimulus errors

Report after 1000 – Report and trap after 1000 stimulus notes have occurred

Report after 200 – Report and trap after 200 stimulus notes have occurred

Stimulus Warnings

Stimulus Errors

Select break options from the drop-down lists for stimulus warnings and errors:

Break – Report and break on stimulus errors

Ignore – Ignore stimulus errors

Report – Report and trap on stimulus errors

Note 1: The core includes stack operation. Therefore, a break option for a stack overflow/underflow is set by selecting a break option for a core error. The default for core errors is Break, which means a break occurs on a stack error.

For PIC12/16 devices, the simulator will never reset. For PIC18 devices, whether the simulator resets or not depends on the Configuration bits setting.

The simulator reports the stack error before the possible Reset action. Thus, you can set the core error break option accordingly to capture that moment before the Reset.