5.6.7 LE TX Test[v4] Command

Table 5-33. LE TX Test[v4] Command
Command OGF OCF Command Parameters Return Parameters
LE TX Test[v4] 0X08 0X007B











Use this command to start a test where the DUT generates test reference packets at a fixed interval. The controller transmits the packets. Do not allow the command during the LE RX test, so the users can use the LE Test End command to stop the LE RX test, then start the command. The command parameters include Tx_Channel, Test_Data_Length, Packet_Payload, PHY, CTE_Length, CTE_Type, Switching_Pattern_Length, Antenna_IDs and Transmit_Power_Level (see Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17). The TX_Channel and PHY parameters specify that the transmitter must use the RF channel and PHY. The Test_Data_Length and Packet_Payload parameters specify the length and contents of the Payload of the test reference packets. An LE Controller supports Packet_Payload values 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02. The RNBD451 module does not support some parameters, including CTE_Length, CTE_Type, Switching Pattern_Length and Antenna_IDs, so the fields of CTE_Length and CTE_Type must be filled 0x00. The field of switching pattern length must be filled 0x01, and the field of Antenna_IDs must be filled 0x00. The command complete event with return parameters is generated (see Figure 5-18).

Figure 5-16. Command Parameters 1
Figure 5-17. Command Parameters 2
Figure 5-18. Return Parameters
Example: 01 7B 20 09 00 FF 00 01 00 00 01 00 0F // LE TX test[v4] command
Response: 04 0E 04 01 7B 20 00

// Command complete event with status parameter