Set Firmware Version (SDF,<text>)

Format: SDF,<text>

This command sets the value of the firmware revision characteristics in the device information service. This command is only effective if the device information service is enabled by command SS.

Use the device information service to identify the device. All its characteristics rarely change. Therefore, values of characteristics in the device information service are set and saved into PDS. All of the values of the characteristics in the device information service have a maximum size of 20 bytes.

For more information on the device information service, refer to the Bluetooth Core Specification.

Default:Current RNBD451 firmware version
Response:AOK// Success

// Device information service not enabled

// Syntax error, invalid parameter

  • The PDS stores the parameter and is effective immediately without reboot.
  • The firmware version in DIS is configurable by Set_Firmware_Version (SDF) command. Although it is same as result of V command by default, they could be different after DFU, because the SFD/GDF command write/ reads the version information to/from PDS but the V command prints the version information directly from the program code segment.