37.8 Rev. P - 09/2016

Memories Updated the BOOTPROT default value in NVM User Row Mapping: default value = 0x7 except for WLCSP that has default value = 0x3
12 DSU - Device Service Unit Updated the Registers "Reset Value"
13 Clock System Added the section: 13.5 Disabling a Peripheral
16 SYSCTRL – System Controller Description added on setting up AMPGC bit in XOSC register
22 Event System (EVSYS) CTRL22.8.1 Control.SWRST: Added recommendation when doing a software reset
18 RTC – Real-Time Counter Updated the description in Clock/Calendar (Mode 2): Example added on how the clock counter works in calendar mode
27 TC – Timer/Counter The ENABLE and SWRST bits in CTRLA27.8.1 Control A register are not enable protected
36 Schematic Checklist Updated External Real Time Oscillator: Added note on how to minimize jitter
32 Electrical Characteristics at 85°C at 85°C
  • Editing update
Electrical Characteristics at 105°C