- Create a module software instance structure for the TC module to store the TC driver state while it is in use.
tc_module tc_instance;
Note: This should never go out of scope as long as the module is in use. In most cases, this should be global. - Configure the TC module.
- Create a TC module configuration struct, which can be filled out to adjust the configuration of a physical TC peripheral.
tc_config config_tc;
- Initialize the TC configuration struct with the module's default values.
Note: This should always be performed before using the configuration struct to ensure that all values are initialized to known default settings. - Alter the TC settings to configure the GCLK source, prescaler, period, and compare channel values.
config_tc.counter_size = TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT;
config_tc.clock_source = GCLK_GENERATOR_1;
config_tc.clock_prescaler = TC_CLOCK_PRESCALER_DIV1024;
config_tc.counter_8_bit.period = 100;
config_tc.counter_8_bit.compare_capture_channel[0] = 50;
config_tc.counter_8_bit.compare_capture_channel[1] = 54;
- Configure the TC module with the desired settings.
tc_init(&tc_instance, CONF_TC_MODULE, &config_tc);
- Enable the TC module to start the timer.
- Configure the TC callbacks.
- Register the Overflow and Compare Channel Match callback functions with the driver.
tc_register_callback(&tc_instance, tc_callback_to_toggle_led,
tc_register_callback(&tc_instance, tc_callback_to_toggle_led,
tc_register_callback(&tc_instance, tc_callback_to_toggle_led,
- Enable the Overflow and Compare Channel Match callbacks so that it will be called by the driver when appropriate.
tc_enable_callback(&tc_instance, TC_CALLBACK_OVERFLOW);
tc_enable_callback(&tc_instance, TC_CALLBACK_CC_CHANNEL0);
tc_enable_callback(&tc_instance, TC_CALLBACK_CC_CHANNEL1);