Function ac_chan_get_config_defaults()

Initializes all members of an Analog Comparator channel configuration structure to safe defaults.

void ac_chan_get_config_defaults( struct ac_chan_config *const config)

Initializes all members of an Analog Comparator channel configuration structure to safe defaults. This function should be called on all new instances of these configuration structures before being modified by the user application.

The default configuration is as follows:
  • Continuous sampling mode

  • Majority of five sample output filter

  • Comparator disabled during sleep mode (if has this feature)

  • Hysteresis enabled on the input pins

  • Hysteresis level of 50mV if having this feature

  • Internal comparator output mode

  • Comparator pin multiplexer 0 selected as the positive input

  • Scaled VCC voltage selected as the negative input

  • VCC voltage scaler set for a division factor of two

  • Channel interrupt set to occur when the compare threshold is passed

Table 1-14. Parameters
Data directionParameter nameDescription



Channel configuration structure to initialize to default values