Function rtc_calendar_get_config_defaults()

Gets the RTC default settings.

void rtc_calendar_get_config_defaults( struct rtc_calendar_config *const config)

Initializes the configuration structure to the known default values. This function should be called at the start of any RTC initiation.

The default configuration is as follows:
  • Input clock divided by a factor of 1024

  • Clear on alarm match off

  • Continuously sync clock off

  • 12 hour calendar

  • Start year 2000 (Year 0 in the counter will be year 2000)

  • Events off

  • Alarms set to January 1. 2000, 00:00:00

  • Alarm will match on second, minute, hour, day, month, and year

  • Clock read synchronization is enabled for SAM L22

Table 15-11. Parameters
Data directionParameter nameDescription



Configuration structure to be initialized to default values