15.13.2 SERCOM in SPI Mode in PL0

Table 15-50. SPI Timing Characteristics and Requirements(1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
tSCK SCK period Master, VDD>2.70V 141 153 ns
Master, VDD>1.8V 147 159
tSCKW SCK high/low width Master - 0.5*tSCK -
tSCKR SCK rise time(2) Master - 0.25*tSCK -
tSCKF SCK fall time(2) Master - 0.25*tSCK -
tMIS MISO setup to SCK Master, VDD>2.70V 141
Master, VDD>1.8V 147
tMIH MISO hold after SCK Master, VDD>2.70V 0
Master, VDD>1.8V 0
tMOS MOSI setup SCK Master, VDD>2.70V 30
Master, VDD>1.8V 30.6
tMOH MOSI hold after SCK Master, VDD>2.70V -9
Master, VDD>1.8V -8.5
tSSCK Slave SCK Period Slave, VDD>2.70V 220 250
Slave, VDD>1.8V 230 250 -
tSSCKW SCK high/low width Slave - 0.5*tSCK -
tSSCKR SCK rise time(2) Slave - 0.25*tSCK -
tSSCKF SCK fall time(2) Slave - 0.25*tSCK -
tSIS MOSI setup to SCK Slave, VDD>2.70V 42 - -
Slave, VDD>1.8V 42
tSIH MOSI hold after SCK Slave, VDD>2.70V 0
Slave, VDD>1.8V 0
tSSS SS setup to SCK Slave PRELOADEN=1
tSSH SS hold after SCK Slave
tSOS MISO setup before SCK Slave, VDD>2.70V 109
Slave, VDD>1.8V 115
tSOH MISO hold after SCK Slave, VDD>2.70V 17.3
Slave, VDD>1.8V 17.3
tSOSS MISO setup after SS low Slave, VDD>2.70V 95
Slave, VDD>1.8V 102
tSOSH MISO hold after SS high Slave, VDD>2.70V 10.2 ns
Slave, VDD>1.8V 10.2
Note: 1. These values are based on simulation. They are not covered by production test limits or characterization.
Figure 15-5. SPI Timing Requirements in Master Mode
Figure 15-6. SPI Timing Requirements in Slave Mode
Maximum SPI Frequency
  • Master Mode

    fSCKmax = 1/2*(tMIS + tvalid), where tvalid is the slave time response to output data after detecting an SCK edge. For a non-volatile memory with tvalid = 12ns Max, fSPCKMax = 3.7MHz @ VDDIO > 2.7V

  • Slave Mode

    fSCKmax = 1/2*(tSOV + tsu), where tsu is the setup time from the master before sampling data. With a perfect master (tsu=0), fSPCKMax = 6MHz @ VDDIO > 2.7V