P_ON – Power-On after VDD

When the external supply voltage (VDD) is applied first to the AT86RF212B, the radio transceiver goes into P_ON state performing an on-chip reset. The crystal oscillator is activated and the default 1MHz master clock is provided at pin 17 (CLKM) after the crystal oscillator has stabilized. CLKM can be used as a clock source to the microcontroller. The SPI interface and digital voltage regulator (DVREG) are enabled.

The on-chip power-on-reset sets all registers to their default values. A dedicated reset signal from the microcontroller at pin 8 (/RST) is not necessary, but recommended for hardware / software synchronization reasons.

All digital inputs are pulled-up or pulled-down during P_ON state. This is necessary to support microcontrollers where GPIO signals are floating after power-on or reset. The input pull-up and pull-down transistors are disabled when the radio transceiver leaves P_ON state towards TRX_OFF state. A reset during P_ON state does not change the pull-up and pull-down configuration.

Leaving P_ON state, output pins DIG1/DIG2 are pulled-down to digital ground, whereas pins DIG3/DIG4 are pulled-down to analog ground, unless their configuration is changed.

Prior to leaving P_ON, the microcontroller must set the AT86RF212B pins to the default operating values: pin 11 (SLP_TR) = L, pin 8 (/RST) = H and pin 23 (/SEL) = H.

All interrupts are disabled by default. Thus, interrupts for state transition control are to be enabled first, for example enable IRQ_4 (AWAKE_END) to indicate a state transition to TRX_OFF state or interrupt IRQ_0 (PLL_LOCK) to signal a locked PLL in PLL_ON state. In P_ON state a first access to the radio transceiver registers is possible after a default 1MHz master clock is provided at pin 17 (CLKM), refer to tTR1 in the State Transition Timing Summary.

Once the supply voltage has stabilized and the crystal oscillator has settled (see parameter tXTAL refer to Table 7-2), the interrupt mask for the AWAKE_END should be set. A valid SPI write access to TRX_CMD bits in the TRX_STATE register (TRX_STATE.TRC_CMD) with the command TRX_OFF or FORCE_TRX_OFF initiate a state change from P_ON towards TRX_OFF state, which is then indicated by an interrupt IRQ_4 (AWAKE_END) if enabled.