TRX_OFF - Clock State

In TRX_OFF the crystal oscillator is running and the master clock is available if enabled. The SPI interface and digital voltage regulator are enabled, thus the radio transceiver registers, the Frame Buffer and security engine (AES) are accessible.

In contrast to P_ON state the pull-up and pull-down configuration is disabled.

  1. Pin 11 (SLP_TR) and pin 8 (/RST) are available for state control.
  2. The analog front-end is disabled during TRX_OFF state. If the TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN bit in the TRX_CTRL_2 register (TRX_CTRL_2.TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN) is set, the analog voltage regulator is turned on, enabling faster switch to any transmit/receive state.

Entering the TRX_OFF state from P_ON, SLEEP, or RESET state, the state change is indicated by interrupt IRQ_4 (AWAKE_END) if enabled.