The RESET state is used to set back the state machine and to reset all registers of AT86RF212B to their default values; exceptions are register bits CLKM_CTRL bits in the TRX_CTRL_0 register (TRX_CTRL_0.CLKM_CTRL). These register bits require a specific treatment, for details see section Master Clock Signal Output (CLKM).

Once in RESET state a device enters TRX_OFF state by setting pulling a reset pin high pin 8 (/RST) = H. If the device is still in the P_ON state it remains in the P_ON state though. A reset is triggered by pulling /RST pin low pin 8 (/RST) = L and the state returns after setting /RST = H. The reset pulse should have a minimum length as specified in the sections Reset procedures and Digital Interface Timing Characteristics (parameter t10). During reset, the microcontroller has to set the radio transceiver control pins SLP_TR and /SEL to their default values.