PLL_ON and RX_ON States

The transition from TRX_OFF to PLL_ON or RX_ON state and further to RX_ON or PLL_ON is shown in the figure below.

Figure 14-23. Transition from TRX_OFF to PLL_ON/RX_ON State and further to RX_ON/PLL_ON
  1. If TRX_CMD = RX_ON in TRX_OFF state, RX_ON state is entered immediately, even if the PLL has not settled.
  2. Timing figures tTR4, tTR6, tTR8, and tTR9 refers to the State Transition Timing Summary.

In TRX_OFF state, entering the commands PLL_ON or RX_ON initiates a ramp-up sequence of the internal 1.8V voltage regulator for the analog domain (AVREG). RX_ON state can be entered any time from PLL_ON state, regardless whether the PLL has already locked, which is indicated by IRQ_0 (PLL_LOCK). Likewise, PLL_ON state can be entered any time from RX_ON state.

When TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN (register 0x0C, TRX_CTRL_2) is already set in TRX_OFF state, the analog voltage regulator is turned on immediately and the ramp-up sequence to PLL_ON or RX_ON can be accelerated.