Wake-up Procedure from SLEEP

The wake-up procedure from SLEEP state is shown in the figure below.

Figure 14-22. Wake-up Procedure from SLEEP State

The radio transceiver’s SLEEP state is left by releasing pin 11 (SLP_TR) to logic low. This restarts the XOSC and DVREG. After tTR2 = 420µs (typ.) the radio transceiver enters TRX_OFF state. The internal clock signal is available and provided to pin 17 (CLKM), if enabled.

This procedure is similar to the Power-on Procedure. However the radio transceiver automatically proceeds to the TRX_OFF state. During this, transition the filter-tuning network (FTN) calibration is performed. Entering TRX_OFF state is signaled by IRQ_4 (AWAKE_END), if this interrupt was enabled by the appropriate mask register bit.