State Transition Timing Summary

The AT86RF212B transition numbers correspond to the Basic Operation Mode State Diagram and do not include SPI access time if not otherwise stated. See measurement setup in the Basic Application Schematic.

Table 14-7. State Transition Timing
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
tTR1 P_ON⇒CLKM is available Depends on crystal oscillator setup (Siward A207-011, CL= 10pF) and external capacitor at DVDD (CB3 = 1µF nom.). 420 1000 µs
tTR1a SLEEP⇒CLKM is available Depends on crystal oscillator setup (Siward A207-011, CL= 10pF) and external capacitor at DVDD (CB3 = 1µF nom.). 390 1000 µs

Depends on crystal oscillator setup (Siward A207-011, CL= 10pF) and external capacitor at DVDD (CB3 = 1µF nom.);

TRX_OFF state indicated by IRQ_4 (AWAKE_END).

420 1000 µs
tTR3 TRX_OFF⇒SLEEP For fCLKM > 250kHz. 35 CLKM cycles
Otherwise. 0 CLKM cycles

Depends on external capacitor at AVDD (CB1 = 1µF nom.);

The TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN bit in the TRX_CTRL_2 register (TRX_CTRL_2.TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN) is not set.

170 µs

Depends on external capacitor at AVDD (CB1 = 1µF nom.);

The TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN bit in the TRX_CTRL_2 register (TRX_CTRL_2.TRX_OFF_AVDD_EN) is not set.

170 µs
tTR8 PLL_ON⇒RX_ON 1 µs
tTR9 RX_ON⇒PLL_ON Transition time is also valid for TX_ARET_ON, RX_AACK_ON⇒PLL_ON. 1 µs
tTR10 PLL_ON⇒BUSY_TX When asserting pin 11 (SLP_TR) or TRX_CMD = TX_START first symbol transmission is delayed by one symbol period (PLL settling and PA ramp-up). 1 symbol period
tTR11 BUSY_TX⇒PLL_ON PLL settling time. 32 µs
tTR12 Various states⇒TRX_OFF


(see TRX_STATE.TRX_CMD register bits);

not valid for SLEEP⇒TRX_OFF (see tTR2).

1 µs
tTR13 RESET⇒TRX_OFF Not valid for P_ON or SLEEP. 26 µs
tTR14 Various states⇒PLL_ON


(see TRX_STATE.TRX_CMD register bits);

not valid for states SLEEP, P_ON, RESET, TRX_OFF, and *_NOCLK.

1 µs

The state transition timing is calculated based on the timing of the individual blocks shown in the Basic Operating Mode Timing section. The worst case values include maximum operating temperature, minimum supply voltage, and device parameter variations.

Table 14-8. Block Initialization and Settling Time
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
tXTAL Reference oscillator settling time Start XTALÞclock available at pin 17 (CLKM). Depends on crystal oscillator setup (Siward A207-011, CL= 10pF). 420 1000 µs
tFTN FTN calibration time 25 µs
tDVREG DVREG settling time Depends on external bypass capacitor at DVDD (CB3 = 1µF nom., 10µF worst case). 150 1500 µs
tAVREG AVREG settling time Depends on external bypass capacitor at AVDD (CB1 = 1µF nom., 10µF worst case). 150 1500 µs
tPLL_INIT Initial PLL settling time PLL settling time TRX_OFF⇒PLL_ON, including 150µs AVREG settling time. 170 370 µs
tPLL_SW PLL settling time on channel switch Duration of channel switch within frequency band. 11 42 µs
tPLL_CF PLL CF calibration PLL center frequency calibration. 8 8 270 µs
tPLL_DCU PLL DCU calibration PLL DCU calibration. 10 10 µs
tRX_TX RX⇒TX Maximum settling time RX⇒TX. 16 µs
tTX_RX TX⇒RX Maximum settling time TX⇒RX. 32 µs
tRSSI RSSI, update RSSI update period in receive states.
BPSK-20: 32 µs
BPSK-40: 24 µs
O-QPSK: 8 µs
tED ED measurement ED measurement period is eight symbols. Different timing within High Data Rate Modes. 8 symbol
tCCA CCA measurement CCA measurement period is eight symbols. 8 symbol
tRND Random value, update Random value update period. 1 µs
tAES AES core cycle time 23.4 24 µs