38.11.2 Packet Size

Offset: 0x04
Reset: -
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset x00x0000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0x00000x 
Bit 76543210 

Bit 31 – AUTO_ZLP Automatic Zero Length Packet

This bit defines the automatic Zero Length Packet mode of the pipe.

When enabled, the USB module will manage the ZLP handshake by hardware. This bit is for OUT pipes only. When disabled the handshake should be managed by firmware.

0Automatic Zero Length Packet is disabled.
1Automatic Zero Length Packet is enabled.

Bits 30:28 – SIZE[2:0] Pipe size

These bits contains the size of the pipe.

Theses bits are cleared upon sending a USB reset.

0x08 Byte
0x116 Byte
0x232 Byte
0x364 Byte
0x4128 Byte(1)
0x5256 Byte(1)
0x6512 Byte(1)
0x71024 Byte in HS mode(1)

1023 Byte in FS mode(1)

1. For Isochronous pipe only.

Bits 27:14 – MULTI_PACKET_SIZE[13:0] Multi Packet IN or OUT size

These bits define the 14-bit value that is used for multi-packet transfers.

For IN pipes, MULTI_PACKET_SIZE holds the total number of bytes sent. MULTI_PACKET_SIZE should be written to zero when setting up a new transfer.

For OUT pipes, MULTI_PACKET_SIZE holds the total data size for the complete transfer. This value must be a multiple of the maximum packet size.

Bits 13:8 – BYTE_COUNT[5:0] Byte Count

These bits define the 14-bit value that contains number of bytes sent in the last OUT or SETUP transaction for an OUT pipe, or of the number of bytes to be received in the next IN transaction for an input pipe.