45.7.8 TWIHS Status Register (FIFO_ENABLED)

This configuration is relevant only if TWIHS_CR.FIFOEN = ‘1’.

Offset: 0x20
Reset: 0x03000009
Property: Read-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access RR 
Reset 11 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RRRRRR 
Reset 000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRR 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00001001 

Bit 25 – SDA SDA Line Value


SDA line sampled value is ‘0’.


SDA line sampled value is ‘1’.

Bit 24 – SCL SCL Line Value


SCL line sampled value is ‘0’.


SCL line sampled value is ‘1.’

Bit 23 – TXFLOCK Transmit FIFO Lock


The Transmit FIFO is not locked.


The Transmit FIFO is locked.

Bit 21 – SMBHHM SMBus Host Header Address Match (cleared on read)


No SMBus Host Header Address received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.


An SMBus Host Header Address was received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.

Bit 20 – SMBDAM SMBus Default Address Match (cleared on read)


No SMBus Default Address received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.


An SMBus Default Address was received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.

Bit 19 – PECERR PEC Error (cleared on read)


No SMBus PEC error occurred since the last read of TWIHS_SR.


An SMBus PEC error occurred since the last read of TWIHS_SR.

Bit 18 – TOUT Timeout Error (cleared on read)


No SMBus timeout occurred since the last read of TWIHS_SR.


An SMBus timeout occurred since the last read of TWIHS_SR.

Bit 16 – MCACK Host Code Acknowledge (cleared on read)

  • MACK used in Client mode:

No Host Code has been received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.


A Host Code has been received since the last read of TWIHS_SR.

Bit 10 – SCLWS Clock Wait State

This bit is used in Client mode only.

SCLWS behavior can be seen in Clock Stretching in Read Mode and Clock Stretching in Write Mode.


The clock is not stretched.


The clock is stretched. TWIHS_THR / TWIHS_RHR buffer is not filled / emptied before the transmission / reception of a new character.

Bit 9 – ARBLST Arbitration Lost (cleared on read)

This bit is used in Host mode only.


Arbitration won.


Arbitration lost. Another host of the TWIHS bus has won the multi-host arbitration. TXCOMP is set at the same time.

Bit 8 – NACK Not Acknowledged (cleared on read)

Note: In Client Write mode, all data are acknowledged by the TWIHS.
  • NACK used in Host mode:

0: Each data byte has been correctly received by the far-end side TWIHS client component.

1: A data or address byte has not been acknowledged by the client component. Set at the same time as TXCOMP.

  • NACK used in Client Read mode:

0: Each data byte has been correctly received by the host.

1: In Read mode, a data byte has not been acknowledged by the host. When NACK is set, the user must not fill TWIHS_THR even if TXRDY is set, because it means that the host stops the data transfer or re-initiates it.

Bit 7 – UNRE Underrun Error (cleared on read)

This bit is used only if clock stretching is disabled.


TWIHS_THR has been filled on time.


TWIHS_THR has not been filled on time.

Bit 6 – OVRE Overrun Error (cleared on read)

This bit is used only if clock stretching is disabled.


TWIHS_RHR has not been loaded while RXRDY was set.


TWIHS_RHR has been loaded while RXRDY was set. Reset by read in TWIHS_SR when TXCOMP is set.

Bit 5 – GACC General Call Access (cleared on read)

This bit is used in Client mode only.

GACC behavior can be seen in Host Performs a General Call.


No general call has been detected.


A general call has been detected. After the detection of general call, if need be, the user may acknowledge this access and decode the following bytes and respond according to the value of the bytes.

Bit 4 – SVACC Client Access

This bit is used in Client mode only.

SVACC behavior can be seen in Read Access Ordered by a Host, Write Access Ordered by a Host, Repeated Start and Reversal from Read Mode to Write Mode and Repeated Start and Reversal from Write Mode to Read Mode.


TWIHS is not addressed. SVACC is automatically cleared after a NACK or a STOP condition is detected.


Indicates that the address decoding sequence has matched (A host has sent SADR). SVACC remains high until a NACK or a STOP condition is detected.

Bit 2 – TXRDY Transmit Holding Register Ready (cleared by writing TWIHS_THR)

  • TXRDY used in Host mode:

TXRDY behavior in Host mode can be seen in Host Write with One Data Byte, Host Write with Multiple Data Bytes and Host Write with One-Byte Internal Address and Multiple Data Bytes.

  • TXRDY used in Client mode:

If TXRDY is high and if a NACK has been detected, the transmission is stopped. Thus when TRDY = NACK = 1, the user must not fill TWIHS_THR to avoid losing it.

TXRDY behavior in Client mode can be seen in Read Access Ordered by a Host, Clock Stretching in Read Mode, Repeated Start and Reversal from Read Mode to Write Mode and Repeated Start and Reversal from Write Mode to Read Mode.


The transmit holding register has not been transferred into the internal shifter. Set to 0 when writing into TWIHS_THR.


As soon as a data byte is transferred from TWIHS_THR to internal shifter or if a NACK error is detected, TXRDY is set at the same time as TXCOMP and NACK. TXRDY is also set when MSEN is set (enables TWIHS).


As soon as data is written in the TWIHS_THR, until this data has been transmitted and acknowledged (ACK or NACK).


Indicates that the TWIHS_THR is empty and that data has been transmitted and acknowledged.

Bit 1 – RXRDY Receive Holding Register Ready (cleared by reading TWIHS_RHR)

RXRDY behavior in Host mode can be seen in Host Read with One Data Byte, Host Read with Multiple Data Bytes and Host Read Clock Stretching with Multiple Data Bytes.

RXRDY behavior in Client mode can be seen in Write Access Ordered by a Host, Clock Stretching in Write Mode, Repeated Start and Reversal from Read Mode to Write Mode and Repeated Start and Reversal from Write Mode to Read Mode.


No character has been received since the last TWIHS_RHR read operation.


A byte has been received in the TWIHS_RHR since the last read.

Bit 0 – TXCOMP Transmission Completed (cleared by writing TWIHS_THR)

  • TXCOMP used in Host mode:

0: During the length of the current frame.

1: When both holding register and internal shifter are empty and STOP condition has been sent.

TXCOMP behavior in Host mode can be seen in Host Write with One-Byte Internal Address and Multiple Data Bytes and in Host Read with Multiple Data Bytes.

  • TXCOMP used in Client mode:

0: As soon as a START is detected.

1: After a STOP or a REPEATED START + an address different from SADR is detected.

TXCOMP behavior in Client mode can be seen in Clock Stretching in Read Mode, Clock Stretching in Write Mode, Repeated Start and Reversal from Read Mode to Write Mode and Repeated Start and Reversal from Write Mode to Read Mode.