17.7 Clocks after Reset

On any Reset the synchronous clocks start to their initial state:

  • OSC16M is enabled and configured to run at 4 MHz
  • Generic Clock Generator 0 uses OSC16M as source and generates GCLK_MAIN and CLK_MAIN
  • CPU and BUS clocks are undivided

On a Power-on Reset (POR), the 32 KHz clock sources are reset and the GCLK module starts to its initial state:

  • All Generic Clock Generators are disabled except Generator 0
  • All Peripheral Channels in GCLK are disabled.

On a User Reset the GCLK module starts to its initial state, except for:

  • Generic Clocks that are write-locked, that is, the according WRTLOCK is set to ‘1’ prior to Reset