11.4 SRAM Quality of Service

To ensure that hosts with latency requirements get sufficient priority when accessing RAM, priority levels can be assigned to the hosts for different types of access.

The Quality of Service (QoS) level is independently selected for each host accessing the RAM. For any access to the RAM, the RAM also receives a QoS level. The QoS levels and their corresponding bit values are shown in the following table.

Table 11-7. Quality of Service
0x0DISABLEBackground (no sensitive operation)
0x1LOWSensitive Bandwidth
0x2MEDIUMSensitive Latency
0x3HIGHCritical Latency
Note: If a host is configured with QoS level DISABLE (0x0) or LOW (0x1), there will be a minimum latency of one cycle to get RAM access.
The priority order for concurrent accesses are decided by two factors:
  • As first priority, the QoS level for the host
  • As a second priority, a static priority given by the port ID. The lowest port ID has the highest static priority.
See the tables below for more details.
Table 11-8. HS SRAM Port Connections QoS
HS SRAM Port ConnectionPort IDConnection TypeQoSdefault QoS
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Write-Back 1 Access6DirectDMAC QOSCTRL.WRBQOS0x2
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Write-Back 0 Access5DirectDMAC QOSCTRL.WRBQOS0x2
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Fetch 1 Access4DirectDMAC QOSCTRL.FQOS0x2
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Fetch 0 Access3DirectDMAC QOSCTRL.FQOS0x2
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller - Data Access2Bus MatrixDMAC QOSCTRL.DQOS0x2
DSU - Device Service Unit1Bus MatrixDSU CFG.LQOS0x2
CM23 - Cortex M23 Processor0Bus Matrix0x41008114, bits[1:0](1)0x3
  1. The CPU QoS level can be written/read, using 32-bit access only.