25.2 Features

  • Voltage Regulators System
    • Main voltage regulator: LDO or Buck Converter in Active mode (MAINVREG)
    • Low-Power voltage regulator in Standby mode (LPVREG)
    • Adjustable VDDCORE to the Sleep mode or the performance level
    • Controlled VDDCORE voltage slope when changing VDDCORE
  • Voltage Reference System
    • Reference voltage for ADC and DAC
    • Temperature sensor
  • 3.3V Brown-Out Detector (BOD33)
    • Programmable threshold
    • Threshold value loaded from NVM User Row at startup
    • Triggers resets or interrupts or event. Action loaded from NVM User Row
    • Operating modes:
      • Continuous mode
      • Sampled mode for low power applications with programmable sample frequency
    • Hysteresis value from Flash User Calibration
  • 1.2V Brown-Out Detector (BOD12)
    • Internal non-configurable Brown-Out Detector