Energy Commands
The ENC command (protected with password) erases all the energy records stored in non-volatile memory (the Demo Meter application stores 1 year of energy data).
The ENR command reads the energy records stored in the non-volatile memory. If the command is sent without parameter, the application returns the energy data for the last year, ordered by months. If the command includes a parameter, the application returns the energy data of the month index corresponding with the parameter (‘0’ means the present month, ‘1’ the previous month, ‘7’ seven months ago, and so on).
Refer to the 2.8 TOU and Energy Registering for additional information.
; Read previous month energy
Last 1 Month Energy is :
TT=317.02kWh T1=32.16kWh T2=85.23kWh T3=121.04kWh T4=78.59kWh
; Clear all the energy records
Clear Energy is ok !