4.6 Metrology Firmware

The Metrology firmware runs on the metrology processor (Core 1). This processor acquires voltages and currents data samples at a 16 kHz rate from the Energy Metering AFE. Then, it calculates the meter energy consumption and monitors related line voltage conditions and generates, as output, an entire suite of metrology quantities at a rate of ~ 1 Hz (default value for the integration period).

Metrology key features are as follows:

  • 16 kHz ADC sample rate
  • Dynamic range 1:3000
  • 4-quadrant measurement
  • Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Harmonic measurement options
  • Active and reactive energy accuracy: up to class 0.2, compliant with ANSI C12.20-2002 and IEC 62053-22 standards
  • Line frequency monitor and measurement
  • Current transformer, Rogowski coil or Shunt for current sensing circuit implementation