3.4.6 Generate the U-HSM Master Key (g4mcu)

This is a symmetric encryption key that protects all internal project information such as keys, tickets, security protocol data, and so on, while processing inside the U-HSM.

Generate the U-HSM master key as follows:

  1. Open the command prompt as an administrator and change directory to C:\Microsemi\Tools.
  2. Execute the following command (see the sample output in Figure 3-11).

    %nfast_home%\python\bin\python.exe" C:\Microsemi\Tools\gensymmkey.py -u userdata-signer-i g4mcu-< CU_MASTER_HSM_UUID >

CU_MASTER_HSM_UUID is a user-selected master key UUID. This UUID must be set in the settings of the application using this HSM server. Length: 40 hex symbols. This key must be unique within the Security World used by this HSM.

Figure 3-11. Generating U-HSM Master Key