33.7.10 ADACQ

ADC Acquisition Time Control Register
Offset: 0xF5C

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – ADACQ[7:0] Acquisition (charge share time) Select bits

Table 33-7. 
ADACQ ValueAcquisition Time
ADCS = ‘0’ADCS = ‘1’
255255 clock of FOSC255 clock of FRC
254254 clock of FOSC254 clock of FRC
22 clock of FOSC2 clock of FRC
11 clock of FOSC1 clock of FRC
0Not included in the data conversion cycle(1)
  1. If ADPRE is not equal to ‘0’, then ADACQ = 0b0000_0000 means Acquisition Time is 256 clocks of FOSC or FRC.