ZCL_SetReportableChange Function


ZCL_Status_t ZCL_SetReportableChange(Endpoint_t endpointId, ClusterId_t clusterId, uint8_t clusterSide, ZCL_AttributeId_t attrId, uint8_t attrType, uint8_t *repChange);


Finds an attribute in ZCL and rewrites its reportable change value by the new one

\ingroup zcl_common

If the reportable change value of an attribute is set to a non-zero value, using this function, the stack checks how much the attribute has changed each time a new value is set to it. The current (just set) value is compared with the last reported value, and if the absolute difference is greater than the reportable change value a new report is generated and sent to the air.


endpointIdendpoint on which cluster is registered
clusterIdcluster unique identifier
clusterSidedeterms the cluster's side (client or server)
attrIdattribute unique identifier
attrTypetype of the attribute to be set
repChangepointer to reportable change value to be set


ZCL status of operation.