2.4.13 CAN_TP_RxBlockSizeSet()

void CAN_TP_RxBlockSizeSet (uint8_t blockSize)

Sets number of frames to receive in a segmented message before pausing the reception.

This is the number of consecutive frames to receive after the first frame, thus the first frame is not included in this count.

Must be set before the start of a segmented message reception. This can be called as late as the FIRST_FRAME event and still take affect. After the return of the FIRST_FRAME event, this function will have no effect until the next segmented message.

The default size if never called is 0, which indicates no pause (continuous reception until message is complete).


CAN_TP_Initialize function should have been called before calling this function.

in blockSize

Number of bytes to receive before pausing the incoming reception. Setting to 0 will make the reception never pause.

