Linked List Enable

The CHCTRLAk.LLEN bit controls the channels ability to load a linked-list descriptor and configure the channel SFRs. Setting the bit to 1, either by software or through the linked-list descriptor, indicates to the DMA FSM, the DMA shall initiate a descriptor load from the address location provided by CHNXTk.NXT. The channel can only load a descriptor if the channel is not per-forming a block transfer and is not suspended (i.e., CHCTRLAk.ENABLE = 0 and CHSTATk.BLKBUSY = 0). The DMA FSM will wait for this condition before loading the descriptor. If the CHNXTk.NXT is set to the NULL pointer, the DMA clears CHCTRLAk.LLEN and sets the CHINTFk.LL interrupt flag to indicate completion of the linked-list.