Sets Pane

The Sets pane has four mutually exclusive options:

  • Entire design
  • Clock Domain
  • Use existing user set
  • Use Input to Output Set
Figure 13-102. Timing Bottleneck Report—Sets Pane Dialog Box

Entire design: Displays bottleneck information for the entire design.

Clock Domain: Displays bottleneck information for the selected clock domain. You can specify the following options:

  • Clock: Allows pruning based on a given clock domains. Only cells that lie on these violating paths are reported.
  • Type: This option can only be used with clock. The following table shows the acceptable values.
Table 13-9. Acceptable Type Values
Value Description

Register to Register

Paths between registers in the design.

Asynchronous to Register

Paths from asynchronous pins to registers.

Register to Asynchronous

Paths from registers to asynchronous pins.

External Recovery

The set of paths from inputs to asynchronous pins.

External Setup

Paths from input ports to register.

Clock to Output

Paths from registers to output ports.

Use existing user set: Displays bottleneck information for the existing user set selected. Only paths that lie within the name set will be considered towards the Bottleneck Report.

Filter: Allows you to filter the Bottleneck Report by the following options:

  • From: Reports only cells that lie on violating paths that start at locations specified by this option.
  • To: Reports only cells that lie on violating paths that end at locations specified by this option. Filter defaults to all outputs.