Performing a Console Installation (Linux Operating Systems Only)

Console installation is supported on Linux operating systems.
  1. At the command prompt, type the following command:

    % <installer> -i console

    The Console Mode Installation page appears.
  2. Press Enter to continue.
    The License Agreement appears.
  3. Review the license agreement. The installer displays the license agreement one screen at a time. Press Enter to view each page and continue. Type Y at the end of the agreement to accept and continue:
    1. Specify the installation folder. Do not accept the default path. You must enter the same Microchip parent directory as your past Libero installations. The installer creates a version-specific sub-directory under this parent directory. If this is your first Libero installation, enter a Microchip parent install directory under which you intend to install all future Libero installations. Microchip recommends using /usr/local/microchip/libero as your parent installation directory.

    2. Type Y to confirm the installation folder. Enter the absolute path for the Libero common directory. A Libero common directory is shared by multiple versions of Libero. Microchip recommends that you use the common directory /usr/local/microchip/common.
    3. Enter the absolute path for the Libero common directory. A Libero common directory is shared by multiple versions of Libero. Microchip recommends that you use the common directory /usr/local/microchip/common.
    4. Confirm the Absolute Path for the Libero common directory.
    5. Enter the number that corresponds to the software features you want to install.
    6. Press Enter to continue.
      The pre-installation summary appears.
    7. Press Enter to begin the installation.
  4. To verify your Libero installation, find the script in the ./scripts/sample folder and run it through the Libero SoC design flow.