21.16.6 set_hsm_params


This Tcl command saves the HSM parameters for the Job Manager application. These parameters remain in effect until overridden by another invocation of this command.

set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name hsm_server \
	       -u_hsm_server {uuid} \
	       -u_master_hsm_uuid {u_master_uuid} \
               -hsm_key_set_dir {keyset_dir} \
               -m_hsm_uuid {m_uuid}


Parameter Type Description
hsm_server_name string Name or IP address of HSM server machine.
u_hsm_uuid string Specifies User HSM UUID.
u_master_hsm_uuid string Specifies User HSM Master UUID.
hsm_keyset_dir string Specifies "Keyset" repository location: a directory in which the keyset files are created or used.
m_hsm_uuid string Specifies manufacturer HSM UUID. This command saves the HSM parameters for the Job Manager application. This remains in effect until its overridden using this same command.
Return Type Description
None None

Error Codes

Error Code Description
None Required parameter 'hsm_server_name' is missing.
None Could not get server information. Check server address and connection and try again.
None HSM server name cannot be empty.
None hsm_type_u: Invalid argument value: '' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
None Warning:Deprecated 'hsm_type_u' parameter is used.
None FTP login password must be specified along with the user name.
None Parameter 'hsm_type_u' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name "HSM server machine name or IP address" \ -u_hsm_uuid "User HSM UUID" \ -u_master_hsm_uuid "User Master HSM UUID" \ -hsm_keyset_dir "path" \ -m_hsm_uuid "Manufacturer HSM UUID"'

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2
PolarFire SoC


The following example sets M-HSM parameters:

set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name {} \
               -hsm_type_u {0} \
               -m_hsm_uuid {0000000000000000000000000000000000000002} \
               -ftp_username {hsm} \
               -ftp_password {hsm}