Inferring a Shift Register

A shift register is an efficient hardware unit that is composed of a chain of registers that are connected from one to the next. It allows data to be continuously shifted from one register to its adjacent register. It is useful in applications where data is continuously coming in in a streaming fashion, where some amount of data has to be kept around for processing. A shift register is different from a memory, in that all elements stored in a shift register can be accessed at the same time.

For example, in a FIR filter, time-shifted versions of the input data, commonly referred to as taps, are needed to compute the output. A FIR filter can be expressed with the following equation:

y[n] = b0*x[n] + b1*x[n-1] + .. + bN*x[n-N]

where y[n] is the output, x[n] is the input, N indicates the filter order, and b0 to bN are filter coefficients. As you can see in the equation, once an input is received, it is needed for N+1 computations of the output. This is the perfect application for a shift register.

Let's see how one can infer a shift register from software using SmartHLS.

int FIRFilter(int input) {

  static int shift_register[TAPS] = {0};

  #pragma HLS loop unroll
  for (j = (TAPS - 1); j >= 1; j -= 1) {
      shift_register[j] = shift_register[j - 1];
  shift_register[0] = input;


  return out;

We show the part of the FIRFilter function which pertains to the shift register (x[n] in the equation above). Each time the FIRFilter function is called, it receives one input and produces one output. First, the shift_register array is declared as static. This is needed since the data stored in the shift register (time shifted versions of the input data) needs to be kept around on the next invocation of the function. The loop shows each element of the array being stored to an array index of 1 greater than its current index, starting from the highest array index (TAPS - 1) all the way down to 1. This is effectively moving each element of the array up by one array index. Then the newest input is stored in the lowest array index (0). It is important to note the unroll pragma, which allows the loop to be unrolled. Unrolling the loop splits up the array into individual elements, where each element is stored in a register, hence creating the shift register. Without the unroll pragma, the shift_register array is stored in a memory (RAM), which only allows up to 2 memory accesses per cycle.

Note that if the FIRFilter function is specified to be pipelined, or if the shift register loop is contained within another loop that is specified to be pipelined, the shift register loop will automatically be unrolled and the unroll pragma is not required.