16.1.9 MACC_PA

The MACC_PA macro implements multiplication, multiply-add, and multiply-accumulate functions. The MACC_PA block can accumulate the current multiplication product with a previous result, a constant, a dynamic value, or a result from another MACC_PA block. Each MACC_PA block can also be configured to perform a Dot-product operation. All the signals of the MACC_PA block have optional registers. Features

The main features of the MACC_PA block are as follows:

  • Native 18 x 18 signed multiplication and supports 17 x 17 unsigned multiplication.
  • Independent third input C of data width 48 bits along with a CARRYIN, optionally registered.
  • Pre-adder of B with an independent fourth input D of data width 18 bits, optionally registered.
  • Internal cascade signals (48-bit CDIN and CDOUT) enable cascading of the Math blocks to support larger accumulator, adder, and subtracter without extra logic.
  • Normal addition/subtraction: CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] ± { ( B[17:0] ± D[17:0]) x A[17:0] }.
  • Dot product mode: (B[8:0] ± D[8:0]) x A[17:9] ± (B[17:9] ± D[17:9]) x A[8:0].
  • SIMD mode for dual independent multiplication of two pairs of 9-bit operands.
  • Supports both registered and unregistered inputs and outputs.
  • Arithmetic right-shift by 17 bits of the loopback of CDIN.

The following figure shows a simplified block diagram of the MACC_PA block.

Figure 16-69. Simplified Block Diagram of MACC_PA
Table 16-141. MACC_PA Pin Descriptions
Port Name Direction Type Polarity Description
DOTP Input Static High Dot-product mode.

When DOTP = 1, MACC_PA block performs Dot- product of two pairs of 9-bit operands.

  • SIMD must not be 1.
  • C[8:0] must be connected to CARRYIN.
SIMD Input Static High SIMD mode.

When SIMD = 1, MACC_PA block performs dual independent multiplication of two pairs of 9-bit operands.

  • DOTP must not be 1.
  • ARSHFT17 must be 0.
  • D[8:0] must be 0.
  • C[17:0] must be 0.
  • E[17:0] must be 0.

    Refer to Table 16-142 to see how operand E is obtained from P, CDIN or 0.

OVFL_CARRYOUT_SEL Input Static High Generate OVERFLOW or CARRYOUT with result P.
CLK Input Dynamic Rising edge Clock for A, B, C, CARRYIN, D, P, OVFL_CARRYOUT, ARSHFT17, CDIN_FDBK_SEL, PASUB and SUB registers.
AL_N Input Dynamic Low Asynchronous load for A, B, P, OVFL_CARRYOUT, ARSHFT17, CDIN_FDBK_SEL, PASUB and SUB registers. Connect to 1, if none are registered.

When asserted, A, B, P and OVFL_CARRYOUT registers are loaded with zero, while the ARSHFT17, CDIN_FDBK_SEL, PASUB and SUB registers are loaded with the complementary. value of the respective _AD_N.

A[17:0] Input Dynamic High Input data A.
A_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass data A registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
A_SRST_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous reset for data A registers. Connect to

1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.

A_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for data A registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
B[17:0] Input Dynamic High Input data B to Pre-adder with data D.
B_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass data B registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
B_SRST_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous reset for data B registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
B_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for data B registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
D[17:0] Input Dynamic High Input data D to Pre-adder with data B. When SIMD = 1, connect D[8:0] to 0.
D_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass data D registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
D_ARST_N Input Dynamic Low Asynchronous reset for data D registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
D_SRST_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous reset for data D registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
D_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for data D registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
CARRYIN Input Dynamic High CARRYIN for input data C.
C[47:0] Input Dynamic High Input data C.

When DOTP = 1, connect C[8:0] to CARRYIN. When SIMD = 1, connect C[8:0] to 0.

C_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass CARRYIN and C registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
C_ARST_N Input Dynamic Low Asynchronous reset for CARRYIN and C registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
C_SRST_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous reset for CARRYIN and C registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
C_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for CARRYIN and C registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-147.
CDIN[47:0] Input Cascade High Cascaded input for operand E.

The entire bus must be driven by an entire CDOUT of another MACC_PA or MACC_PA_BC_ROM block. In Dot-product mode, the driving CDOUT must also be generated by a MACC_PA or MACC_PA_BC_ROM block in Dot-product mode. Refer to Table 16-142 to see how CDIN is propagated to operand E.

P[47:0] Output High Result data. See Table 16-143.
OVFL_CARRYOUT Output High OVERFLOW or CARRYOUT. See Table 16-144.
P_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass P and OVFL_CARRYOUT registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.

P_BYPASS must be 0 when CDIN_FDBK_SEL[0] = 1. See Table 16-142.

P_SRST_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous reset for P and OVFL_CARRYOUT registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
P_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for P and OVFL_CARRYOUT registers. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-146.
CDOUT[47:0] Output Cascade High Cascade output of result P. See Table 16-143.

Value of CDOUT is the same as P. The entire bus must either be dangling or drive an entire CDIN of another MACC_PA or MACC_PA_BC_ROM block in cascaded mode.

PASUB Input Dynamic High Subtract operation for Pre-adder of B and D.
PASUB_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass PASUB register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
PASUB_AD_N Input Static Low Asynchronous load data for PASUB register. See Table 16-145.
PASUB_SL_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous load for PASUB register. Connect to

1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.

PASUB_SD_N Input Static Low Synchronous load data for PASUB register. See

Table 16-145.

PASUB_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for PASUB register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
CDIN_FDBK_SEL[1:0] Input Dynamic High Select CDIN, P or 0 for operand E. See Table 16-142.
CDIN_FDBK_SEL_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass CDIN_FDBK_SEL register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.


Input Static Low Asynchronous load data for CDIN_FDBK_SEL

register. See Table 16-145.

CDIN_FDBK_SEL_SL_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous load for CDIN_FDBK_SEL register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.




Input Static Low Synchronous load data for CDIN_FDBK_SEL

register. See Table 16-145.

CDIN_FDBK_SEL_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for CDIN_FDBK_SEL register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
ARSHFT17 Input Dynamic High Arithmetic right-shift for operand E.

When asserted, a 17-bit arithmetic right-shift is performed on operand E. Refer to Table 16-142 to see how operand E is obtained from P, CDIN or 0. When SIMD = 1, ARSHFT17 must be 0.

ARSHFT17_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass ARSHFT17 register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
ARSHFT17_AD_N Input Static Low Asynchronous load data for ARSHFT17 register. See Table 16-145.
ARSHFT17_SL_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous load for ARSHFT17 register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
ARSHFT17_SD_N Input Static Low Synchronous load data for ARSHFT17 register. See Table 16-145.
ARSHFT17_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for ARSHFT17 register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
SUB Input Dynamic High Subtract operation.
SUB_BYPASS Input Static High Bypass SUB register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
SUB_AD_N Input Static Low Asynchronous load data for SUB register. See Table 16-145
SUB_SL_N Input Dynamic Low Synchronous load for SUB register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
SUB_SD_N Input Static Low Synchronous load data for SUB register. See Table 16-145.
SUB_EN Input Dynamic High Enable for SUB register. Connect to 1, if not registered. See Table 16-145.
Tip: Static inputs are defined at design time and need to be tied to 0 or 1.
Table 16-142. Truth Table—Propagating Data to Operand E
0 0 X 48'b0
0 1 0 P[47:0]
0 1 1 {{17{P[47]}},P[47:17]}
1 X 0 CDIN[47:0]
1 X 1 {{17{CDIN[47]}},CDIN[47:17]}
Table 16-143. Truth Table—Computation of Result P and CDOUT
0 0 0 0 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] + { (B[17:0] + D[17:0]) x A[17:0] }
0 0 0 1 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] + { (B[17:0] - D[17:0]) x A[17:0] }
0 0 1 0 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] - { (B[17:0] + D[17:0]) x A[17:0] }
0 0 1 1 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] - { (B[17:0] - D[17:0]) x A[17:0] }
0 1 0 0 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] +

{ (B[8:0] + D[8:0]) x A[17:9] + (B[17:9] + D[17:9]) x A[8:0] } x 29

0 1 0 1 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] +

{ (B[8:0] - D[8:0]) x A[17:9] + (B[17:9] - D[17:9]) x A[8:0] } x 29

0 1 1 0 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] +

{ (B[8:0] + D[8:0]) x A[17:9] - (B[17:9] + D[17:9]) x A[8:0] } x 29

0 1 1 1 CARRYIN + C[47:0] + E[47:0] +

{ (B[8:0] - D[8:0]) x A[17:9] - (B[17:9] - D[17:9]) x A[8:0] } x 29

1 0 0 0 P[17:0] = CARRYIN + { B[8:0] x A[8:0] }

P[47:18] = C[47:18] + E[47:18] + { (B[17:9] + D[17:9]) x A[17:9] }

1 0 0 1 P[17:0] = CARRYIN + { B[8:0] x A[8:0] }

P[47:18] = C[47:18] + E[47:18] + { (B[17:9] - D[17:9]) x A[17:9] }

1 0 1 0 P[17:0] = CARRYIN + { B[8:0] x A[8:0] }

P[47:18] = C[47:18] + E[47:18] - { (B[17:9] + D[17:9]) x A[17:9] }

1 0 1 1 P[17:0] = CARRYIN + { B[8:0] x A[8:0] }

P[47:18] = C[47:18] + E[47:18] - { (B[17:9] - D[17:9]) x A[17:9] }

Table 16-144. Truth Table—Computation of OVFL_CARRYOUT
0 (SUM[49] ^ SUM[48]) | (SUM[48] ^ SUM[47]) True if overflow or underflow occurred.
1 C[47] ^ E[47] ^ SUM[48] A signal that can be used to extend the final adder in the fabric.

SUM[49:0] is defined similarly to P[47:0] as shown in Table 16-143, except that SUM is a 50-bit quantity so that no overflow can occur. SUM[48] is the carry out bit of a 48-bit final adder producing P[47:0].

Table 16-145. Truth Table for Control Registers ARSHFT17, CDIN_FDBK_SEL, PASUB, and SUB
0 AD_N 0 X X X X X !AD_N
1 X 0 Not rising X X X X Qn
1 X 0 ? 0 X X X Qn
1 X 0 ? 1 0 SD_N X !SD_N
1 X 0 ? 1 1 X D D
X X 1 X 0 X X X Qn
X X 1 X 1 0 SD_N X !SD_N
X X 1 X 1 1 X D D
Table 16-146. Truth Table—Data Registers A, B, P, and OVFL_CARRYOUT
0 0 X X X X 0
1 0 Not rising X X X Qn
1 0 ? 0 X X Qn
1 0 ? 1 0 X 0
1 0 ? 1 1 D D
X 1 X 0 X X Qn
X 1 X 1 0 X 0
X 1 X 1 1 D D
Table 16-147. Truth Table—Data Registers C, CARRYIN, and D
0 0 X X X X 0
1 0 Not rising X X X Qn
1 0 ? 0 X X Qn
1 0 ? 1 0 X 0
1 0 ? 1 1 D D
X 1 X 0 X X Qn
X 1 X 1 0 X 0
X 1 X 1 1 D D