8.2 Right Click Mouse Menu Items

Right clicking on a design object such as an Instance, net, module, or pin opens a menu. This menu is context-sensitive and varies with the kind of design objects and the view (RTL, Flattened, or Hierarchical). Some of the menu items may contain sub-menu items.

The following table lists the menu items for all views and all design objects.
Tip: Some menu items are specific to a view or a design object.
Table 8-2. Right Click Mouse Menu Items
Name Description Shown When Notes
Push Instance Pushes into the module selected. Pushable Module (Not the lowest level) is selected.
Expand Inplace/ Fold Instance Expands the current module in place inside the current view or folds the current instance inside the current view. Pushable Module is selected. For more information, see 8.2 Fold Instance and 8.2 Expand InPlace.
Get Inst Param Collects all instance parameters and shows them in a table on a separate window. An Instance with parameters is selected. An example is a RAM HDL module or entity that has parameterized address bus width and data bus width in the HDL code.
Open File Location Displays the netlist file in a new tab. The cursor goes to the definition of the item selected. The file is opened for read-only and is not editable. When a Verilog/VHDL/EDIF netlist is opened, and the location of the module in the netlist file is available. Available only in RTL and Hierarchical views of stand-alone Netlist Viewer.
Go To Net Driver Goes to the driver of the net selected. Only one net is selected. Behavior is affected by the Local Selection Mode. In Local Selection mode, the driver on the current level is selected. Otherwise, the lowest level driver is selected (may be on a different level) across hierarchical boundaries.
Follow Net Follows a net to the components it is connected to. Shown when a net/net bundle that spans multiple pages or crosses hierarchical boundaries is selected. Does not appear if net/net bundle is not selected. Disabled if net is contained in the current page.
Follow Pin Follows pin to the driver/load of the pin. A pin on an instance is selected. Highlights the net attached to the pin as well as the driver/load of the net.
Magnify Pin Creates a magnified view of the pin. A pin on an instance is selected. For more information, see 8.2 Magnifying Pins.
Add to Active Cone > Selection Adds current selected design objects to the Active Cone. Available only when at least one net/instance is selected.
Add to Active Cone > Driver Adds the Driver of all nets and instances selected to the Active Cone. Contains sub-menu to select the number of logic level to traverse to collect all the drivers. Max logic level is 10. Available only when at least one net/instance is selected.
Add to Active Cone > Load Adds the Load of all nets and instances selected to the Active Cone. Contains sub-menu to select the number of logic level to traverse to collect all the loads. Max logic level is 10. Available only when at least one net/instance is selected.
Add to Active Cone > All Connected Logic Adds all instances connected to adjacent nets to the active cone. Available only when at least one instance is selected.
Pop Instance Pops out of the current module into the next higher level of hierarchy. Currently not on the top level of the design hierarchy.