
"CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS" is a command tool used in configure_tool. It sets the programming options for PolarFire, PolarFire SoC, RTG4, SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 devices.

The command usage for the PolarFire is the following:

configure_tool -name {CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS} \
-params {design_version:<value>} \
-params {back_level_version:<value>} \
-params {silicon_signature:<value>}

The command usage for the SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 is the following:

configure_tool -name {CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS} \
-params {design_version:<value>} \
-params {enable_auto_update:true | false} \
-params {enable_prog_recovery:true | false} \
-params {silicon_signature:<value>} \
-params {spi_clk_freq:<value>} \
-params {spi_data_transfer_mode:<value>}

The command usage for the RTG4 is the following:

configure_tool -name {CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS} \
-params {design_version:<value>} \
-params {disable_digest_check:<value>} \
-params {disable_fabric_erase_write_verify:<value>} \
-params {disable_jtag:<value>} \
-params {disable_probe_read_write:<value>} \
-params {disable_spi:<value>} \
-params {one_time_programmable:<value>} \
-params {silicon_signature:<value>} \
-params {system_controller_suspend_mode:<value>}


The following table list the "CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS" arguments for PolarFire.

design_versionInteger {0 through 65535}Sets the design version. It must be greater than the Back Level version in SPM Update Policy.
back_level_versionInteger {0 through 65535}Sets the back level version.
silicon_signatureHex {<max length 8 Hex characters>}32-bit (8 hex characters) silicon signature to be programmed into the device. This field can be read from the device using the JTAG USERCODE instruction.

The following table list the "CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS" arguments for SmartFusion 2/IGLOO 2.

design_versionInteger {0 through 65535}Sets the design version. It must be greater than the Back Level version in SPM Update Policy.
silicon_signatureHex {<max length 8 Hex characters>}32-bit (8 hex characters) silicon signature to be programmed into the device. This field can be read from the device using the JTAG USERCODE instruction.
enable_auto_updatebooleanSepcify "TRUE" or 1 to enable auto update, spceify "FALSE" or 0 to disable auto update. This parameter is available for SmartFusion 2.
enable_prog_recoverybooleanSepcify "TRUE" or 1 to enable programming recovery, spceify "FALSE" or 0 to disable programming recovery. This parameter is available for SmartFusion 2.
spi_clk_freqdoubleSets SPI clock frequency from a list of possible values {1.00 | 2.08 | 3.13 | 4.16 | 5.00 | 6.25 | 8.30 | 12.50 | 25.00 }. This parameter is available for SmartFusion 2.
spi_data_transfer_modebinarySPI data transfer mode sets the values for SPS, SPO and SPH in the UI. SPS has a fixed value of 1 and cannot be changed. The user can change the value of only SPO and SPH to 0 or 1. The acceptable value are the following: {100 | 101 | 111 | 110}. This parameter is available for SmartFusion 2.

The following table list the "CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS" arguments for RTG4.

design_versionInteger {0 through 65535}Sets the design version. It must be greater than the Back Level version in SPM Update Policy.
silicon_signatureHex {<max length 8 Hex characters>}32-bit (8 hex characters) silicon signature to be programmed into the device. This field can be read from the device using the JTAG USERCODE instruction.
disable_digest_checkbooleanEnable or disable digest check.
disable_fabric_erase_write_verifybooleanEnable or disable Fabric Erase/Write/Verify.
disable_jtagbooleanEnable or disable JTAG interface.
disable_probe_read_writebooleanEnable or disable Probe Read/Write.
disable_spibooleanEnable or disable SPI interface.
one_time_programmablebooleanSet "true" or 1 to make the device one-time programmable.
Note: After programming the device you will NOT be able to erase or program the device. You will be able to run programming actions VERIFY and VERIFY_DIGEST as well as use SmartDebug to debug with probes and read the digest of the Fabric.
system_controller_suspend_modebooleanEnable or disable System Controller Suspend mode.
Return TypeDescription
IntegerReturns 0 on success and 1 on failure.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneIncorrect Back Level version value format.
NoneBack Level version must be less than or equal to Design version.
Noneparameter disable_spi does not exist (PolarFire).
Noneparameter one_time_programmable does not exist (PolarFire).
NoneIncorrect Design version value format.
NoneDesign version value must be between 0 and 65535.
NoneSilicon signature must be max 8 HEX chars.
NoneIllegal SPI clock frequency '1.11 MHz'.
NoneProgramming Recovery must be enabled to allow Auto Update.
NoneSilicon signature must be max 8 HEX chars.
NoneUnknown SPI data transfer mode: SPS(0) SPO(0) SPH(0).

Supported Families

Supported Families
PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


The following example configures programming parameters for the PolarFire device:

configure_tool -name {CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS} \
               -params {design_version:255} \
               -params {back_level_version:200} \
               -params {silicon_signature:abcdef}

The following example configures programming parameters for the SmartFusion 2 device:

configure_tool -name {CONFIGURE_PROG_OPTIONS}\
               -params {design_version:255}
               -params {enable_auto_update:true}
               -params {enable_prog_recovery:true}
               -params {silicon_signature:abcdef}
               -params {spi_clk_freq:25.00}
               -params {spi_data_transfer_mode:100}

See Also

  • set_programming_action