(Ask a Question)Description
"GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" is a command tool used in the
configure_tool and run_tool commands. The configure_tool -name
Tcl command configures tool options. The
Tcl command runs the
specified tool with the options specified in configure_tool.
The command usage for the PolarFire is the following:
configure_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE} \
-params {program_fabric: true | false } \
-params {program_security: true | false } \
-params {program_snvm: true | false} \
-params {sanitize_snvm: true | false}
The command usage for the RTG4 is the following:
configure_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE} \
-params {program_fabric: true | false } \
-params {program_security: true | false } \
-params {program_mode:selected_features} \
-params {program_envm: true | false} \
-params {sanitize_envm: true | false}
The command usage for the SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2 is the following:
configure_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE} \
-params {program_fabric: true | false } \
-params {program_security: true | false } \
-params {program_snvm: true | false} \
-params {sanitize_snvm: true | false}
The command usage for the PolarFire SoC is the following:
configure_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE} \
-params {program_fabric_snvm: true | false} \
-params {program_security: true | false} \
-params {program_envm: true | false} \
-params {sanitize_envm: true | false} \
-params {sanitize_snvm: true | false}
The following table list the "GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" arguments for PolarFire.
Parameter | Type | Description |
program_fabric | boolean | Include fabric component in the programming bitstream. The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_security | boolean | Include custom security component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if custom security was defined). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_snvm | boolean | Include sNVM component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if sNVM available in the design). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
sanitize_snvm | boolean | Enable eNVM sanitization. |
The following table list the "GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" arguments for RTG4.
Parameter | Type | Description |
program_fabric | boolean | Include fabric component in the programming bitstream. The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_mode | string | The possible value is "selected_features." |
program_security | boolean | Include custom security component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if custom security was defined). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_envm | boolean | Include eNVM component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if eNVM available in the design). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
sanitize_envm | boolean | Enable eNVM sanitization. |
The following table list the "GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" arguments for SmartFusion 2, IGLOO 2.
Parameter | Type | Description |
program_fabric | boolean | Include fabric component in the programming bitstream. The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_security | boolean | Include custom security component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if custom security was defined). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_envm | boolean | Include eNVM component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if eNVM available in the design). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
sanitize_snvm | boolean | Enable sNVM sanitization. |
The following table list the "GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" arguments for PolarFire SoC.
Parameter | Type | Description |
program_fabric_snvm | boolean | Include Fabric/sNVM component in the programming bitstream. The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_security | boolean | Include custom security component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if custom security was defined). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
program_envm | boolean | Include eNVM component in the programming bitstream ("true" only if eNVM available in the design). The acceptable values are: true, false. |
sanitize_envm | boolean | Enable eNVM sanitization. |
sanitize_snvm | boolean | Enable sNVM sanitization. |
Return Type | Description |
None | None |
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
None | You must select at least one component to program. |
None | Parameter program_snvm does not exist. |
None | Parameter program_envm does not exist. |
None | Fabric/sNVM is not selected for programming; sNVM sanitization is not available. |
Supported Families
Supported Families |
PolarFire® |
PolarFire SoC |
RTG4™ |
SmartFusion® 2 |
IGLOO® 2 |
Configure "GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE" for PolarFire device:
configure_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGFILE} \
-params {program_fabric:false} \
-params {program_security:true} \
-params {program_snvm:true}
See Also