21.11.20 set_hsm_params


This Tcl command saves the HSM parameters for the FlashPro Express application. These parameters remain in effect until overridden by another invocation of this command.

  • The HSM parameters are persistent between multiple FlashPro Express sessions on the same computer.
  • HSM parameters only need to be set for HSM flow jobs.
set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name hsm_server \
                -hsm_type_u {TRUE|FALSE} \
                -m_hsm_uuid m_uuid \
                -ftp_username {ftp_username} \
                -ftp_password {ftp_password}


hsm_serverstringName or IP address of HSM server computer.
hsm_type_ubooleanThe possible value for this argument are:
  • TRUE or 1 - FlashPro Express will use the Manufacturer features of the User HSM.
  • FALSE or 0 - FlashPro Express will use a Manufacturer HSM.
m_hsm_uuidstringSpecifies UUID of HSM to be used for FlashPro Express tasks.
ftp_usernamestringSpecifies the user name to access the HSM files via FTP server.
ftp_passwordstringSpecifies the password to access the HSM files via FTP server.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'hsm_server_name' is missing.
NoneCould not get server information. Please check server address and connection and try again.
NoneHSM server name cannot be empty.
Nonehsm_type_u: Invalid argument value: '' (expecting TRUE, 1, true, FALSE, 0 or false).
NoneWarning:Deprecated 'hsm_type_u' parameter is used.
NoneFTP login password must be specified along with the user name.
NoneParameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name "HSM server machine name or IP address" \ [-m_hsm_uuid "Manufacturer HSM UUID *DEPRECATED PARAMETER*"] \ [-hsm_type_u "TRUE | FALSE"] \ [-ftp_username "FTP login user name"] \ [-ftp_password "FTP login password"]

Supported Families

Supported Families
SmartFusion® 2


The following example sets M-HSM parameters:

set_hsm_params -hsm_server_name {} \
                -hsm_type_u {0} \
                -m_hsm_uuid {0000000000000000000000000000000000000002} \
                -ftp_username {hsm} \
                -ftp_password {hsm}