21.11.3 configure_flashpro4_prg


This Tcl command changes FlashPro4 programmer settings. You can configure FlashPro programmer in Libero SoC Software or wia this command in FlashPro Express software. You will be able to set VPUMP voltage for the programmer and force TCK drop down list of frequencies you want to use for the programming. Similarly other programmer such as FlashPro3/5/6 can also be selected and related options can be set

configure_flashpro4_prg [-vpump {ON|OFF}] \
[-clk_mode {discrete_clk | free_running_clk}] \
[-force_freq {ON|OFF}] \
[-freq {freq}]


vpumpstringEnables FlashPro4 programmer to drive VPUMP. Set to ON to drive VPUMP. Valid values are ON or OFF.
clk_modestringSpecifies free running or discrete TCK. Valid value is "discrete_clk" or "free_running_cl".
force_freqstringForces the FlashPro software to use the TCK frequency specified by the software rather than the TCK frequency specified in the programmer file. Valid values are ON or OFF.
freqintegerSpecifies the TCK frequency in MHz. It can be between 1 MHz to 6 MHz.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneParameter 'parameter_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is
configure_flashpro4_prg [-vpump "ON | OFF"] \
[-clk_mode "free_running_clk | discrete_clk"] \
[-force_freq "ON | OFF"] \
[-freq "freq"]
NoneInvalid argument value: (expecting 1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000 or 6000000).
NoneInvalid 'clk_mode' argument value: '' (expecting free_running_clk or discrete_clk).

Supported Families

SmartFusion® 2


The following example sets the VPUMP option to ON and uses a free running TCK at a frequency of 4 MHz (force_freq is set to OFF):

configure_flashpro4_prg -vpump {ON} \
-clk_mode {free_running_clk} \
-force_freq {OFF} \
-freq {4}

The following example sets the VPUMP option to ON, uses a discrete TCK and sets force_freq to ON at 2 MHz:

configure_flashpro4_prg -vpump {ON} \
-clk_mode {discrete_clk} \
-force_freq {ON} \
-freq {2}

See Also

  • configure_flashpro3_prg
  • configure_flashpro5_prg
  • configure_flashpro6_prg