Library Interface

TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CACHE_LENMax lifetime (sec) of static responses as string
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CONFIG_FLAGSDefine the HTTP module configuration flags Use 0 for default See HTTP_MODULE_FLAGS definition for possible values
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_COOKIE_BUFFER_SIZESize of the buffer used for sending the cookies to the client. Should be able to accommodate the longest cookie response. Otherwise the cookies will be truncated.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DEFAULT_FILEIndicate what HTTP file to serve when no specific one is requested
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_ARG_MAX_NUMBERmaximum number of arguments for a dynamic variable
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_DESCRIPTORS_NUMBERhow many buffers descriptors for dynamic variable processing they are independent of the HTTP connection number all the HTTP connections use from the dynamic descriptors pool
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_MAX_LENmaximum size for a complete dynamic variable: name + args must be <= TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE! If it is much larger than needed then inefficiency occurs when reading data from the file and then discarding it because a much larger than needed data buffer was read
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLEConfigure MPFS over HTTP updating Comment this line to disable updating via HTTP
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FIND_PEEK_BUFF_SIZESize of the peek buffer to perform searches into. If the underlying transport layer supports offset peak operation with a offset, the value could be smaller (80 characters, for example); otherwise, a one time peek is required and the buffer should be larger - recommended to be close to the size of the socket RX buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_CONNECTIONSMaximum numbers of simultaneous supported HTTP connections.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_DATA_LENDefine the maximum data length for reading cookie and GET/POST arguments (bytes)
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_HEADER_LENThe length of longest header string that can be parsed
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_RECURSE_LEVELThe maximum depth of recursive calls for serving a web page: no dynvars files: 1; file including a file: 2 ; if the include file includes another file: +1 ; if a dyn variable: +1; Default value is 3;
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZESize of the buffer used for sending the response messages to the client. Should be able to accommodate the longest server response: Default setting should be 300 bytes
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SKT_RX_BUFF_SIZEDefine the size of the RX buffer for the HTTP socket Use 0 for default TCP socket value The default recommended value for high throughput is > 2MSS (3 KB). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SKT_TX_BUFF_SIZEDefine the size of the TX buffer for the HTTP socket Use 0 for default TCP socket value The default recommended value for high throughput is > 2MSS (3 KB). The performance of a socket is highly dependent on the size of its buffers so it's a good idea to use as large as possible buffers for the sockets that need high throughput.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_TASK_RATEThe HTTP task rate, ms The default value is 33 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_TIMEOUTMax time (sec) to await for more HTTP client data in an active connection state before timing out and disconnecting the socket
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_USE_AUTHENTICATIONEnable basic authentication support
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_USE_COOKIESEnable cookie support
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_USE_POSTDefine which HTTP modules to use If not using a specific module, comment it to save resources Enable POST support
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CHUNK_RETRIESretry limit for allocating a chunk from the pool If more retries are not successful the operation will be aborted
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CHUNKS_NUMBERnumber of chunks that are created It depends on the TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_RECURSE_LEVEL and on the number of connections Maximum number should be TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_CONNECTIONS * TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_RECURSE_LEVEL i.e. TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MODULE_CONFIG::nConnections * TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MODULE_CONFIG::nChunks All the chunks are in a pool and are used by all connections
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_PROCESSThis symbol enables the processing of dynamic variables Make it evaluate to false (0) if dynamic variables are not needed All the following symbols referring to dynamic variables are relevant only when TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_PROCESS != 0
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DYNVAR_PROCESS_RETRIESretry limit for a dynamic variable processing ths puts a limit on the number of times a dynamic variable "dynamicPrint" function can return TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_PRINT_RES_AGAIN/TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_PRINT_RES_PROCESS_AGAIN and avoids having the HTTP code locked up forever. If more retries are attempted the processing will be considered done and dynamicPrint function will not be called again
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_PROCESS_BUFFER_RETRIESRetry limit for allocating a file buffer from the pool. If more retries are not successful the operation will be aborted.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZESize of the buffer used for processing HTML, dynamic variable and binary files. For dynamic variable files it should be able to accommodate the longest HTML line size, including CRLF!
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_PROCESS_BUFFERS_NUMBERNumber of file buffers to be created; These buffers are used to store data while file processing is done They are organized in a pool Each file being processed needs a file buffer and tries to get it from the pool If a buffer is not available, the HTTP conenction will wait for one to become available. Once the file is done the file buffer is released and could be used by a different file The number depends on the number of files that are processed in parallel To avoid deadlock the number should be >= than the number of... more
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILENAME_MAX_LENmaximum size of a HTTP file name with the path removed from the file name one extra char added for the string terminator
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_ATTRIBUTES_MAX_NUMBERmaximum number of attributes for a SSI command most SSI commands take just one attribute/value pair per line but multiple attribute/value pairs on the same line are allowed where it makes sense
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_CMD_MAX_LENmaximum size for a SSI command line: command + attribute/value pairs must be <= TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FILE_PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE! If it is much larger than needed then inefficiency occurs when reading data from the file and then discarding it because a much larger than needed data buffer was read
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_ECHO_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGEmessage to echo when echoing a not found variable
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_PROCESSThis symbol enables the processing of SSI commands Make it evaluate to false (0) if SSI commands are not needed All the following symbols referring to SSI commands are relevant only when TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_PROCESS != 0
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_STATIC_ATTTRIB_NUMBERnumber of static attributes associated to a SSI command if the command has more attributes than this number the excess will be allocated dynamically
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_VARIABLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTHmaximum length of a SSI variable name any excess characters will be truncated Note that this can result in multiple variables being represented as one SSI variable
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_VARIABLE_STRING_MAX_LENGTHmaximum size of a SSI string variable value any excess characters will be truncated Note that the variable value requires SSI storage that's allocated dynamically Also, this value determines the size of an automatic (stack) buffer when the variable is echoed. If this value is large, make sure you have enough stack space.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSI_VARIABLES_NUMBERmaximum number of SSI variables that can be created at run time These variables are stored in an internal hash. For max. efficiency this number should be a prime.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTPersistent connection idle timeout, in seconds If a persistent connection is idle for more that this timeout the server will close it. Usually the client closes the connection. Using this timeout value the server can close the its side of the connection to avoid all connections to remain indefinitely open if the client misbehaves. Use 0 to never timeout. The timeout value has to be <= 32767 seconds.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_FREE_FUNCHTTP corresponding deallocation function, free style This is the function the HTTP will call for freeing the allocated memory Use standard C library 'free' or 0 as a default If it's 0, HTTP will use the allocation functions passed in at the stack initialization
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MALLOC_FUNCHTTP allocation function, malloc style This is the function the HTTP will call to allocate memory needed for: dynamic variables, SSI or file uploads. Use standard C library 'malloc' or 0 as a default If it's 0, HTTP will use the allocation functions passed in at the stack initialization
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionByteCountDecDecrements the connection byte count.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionByteCountSetSets how many bytes are available to be read.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionCallbackPosSetSets the callback position indicator.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionDiscardDiscards any pending data in the connection RX buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionFlushImmediately transmits all connection pending TX data.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionHasArgsSetSets whether there are get or cookie arguments.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionIsAuthorizedSetSets the authorized state for the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionNetHandleReturns the network handle of the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPeekReads a specified number of data bytes from the connection RX buffer without removing them from the buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostSmSetSet the POST state machine state.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionReadReads an array of data bytes from a connection's RX buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionReadBufferSizeReturns the size of the connection RX buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionReadIsReadyDetermines how many bytes can be read from the connection RX buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionStatusSetSets HTTP status.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionStringFindHelper to find a string of characters in an incoming connection buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionUserDataSetSets the user data parameter for the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DynamicWriteWrites a data buffer to the current connection
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DynamicWriteStringHelper for writing a string within a dynamic variable context.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_URLDecodeParses a string from URL encoding to plain text.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_UserHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered HTTP user handler.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_UserHandlerRegisterRegisters a user callback structure with the HTTP server
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ActiveConnectionCountGetGets the number of active (and inactive) connections.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ArgGetLocates a form field value in a given data array.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionByteCountGetReturns how many bytes are available to be read.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionCallbackPosGetReturns the callback position indicator.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionDataBufferGetReturns pointer to connection general purpose data buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionFileGetGet handle to current connection's file.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionHasArgsGetChecks whether there are get or cookie arguments.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionIsAuthorizedGetGets the authorized state for the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostSmGetGet the POST state machine state.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionSocketGetGet the socket for the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionStatusGetGets HTTP status.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionUserDataGetGets the user data parameter for the current connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostNameReadReads a name from a URL encoded string in the network transport buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostValueReadReads a value from a URL encoded string in the network transport buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionDataBufferSizeGetReturns the size of the connection general purpose data buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionDynamicDescriptorsReturns the number of dynamic variable descriptors
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSIVariableDeleteFunction to delete an SSI variable.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSIVariableGetFunction to get access to an existing SSI variable.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSIVariableGetByIndexFunction to get access to an existing SSI variable.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSIVariableSetFunction to set an SSI variable.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_SSIVariablesNumberGetFunction to get the number of the current SSI variables.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionHandleGetGets the connection handle of a HTTP connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionIndexGetGets the index of the HTTP connection.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DynamicFileIncludeDynamically includes/writes a file to the HTTP connection.
Data Types and Constants
_tag_TCPIP_HTTP_NET_USER_CALLBACKHTTP user implemented callback data structure.
TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_ARG_DCPTHTTP dynamic argument descriptor.
TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_ARG_TYPEHTTP supported dynamic variables argument types.
TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_PRINT_RESDynamic print result when a dynamic variable print callback function returns;
TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_VAR_DCPTHTTP dynamic variable descriptor.
TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_VAR_FLAGSHTTP supported dynamic variables flags.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_CONN_HANDLEHTTP connection identifier, handle of a HTTP connection
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_EVENT_TYPEHTTP reported run-time events.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_IO_RESULTResult states for execution callbacks
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MODULE_CONFIGHTTP module dynamic configuration data
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MODULE_FLAGSHTTP module configuration flags Multiple flags can be OR-ed
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_READ_STATUSResult states for TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostNameRead, TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostValueRead and TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostReadPair
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_STATUSSupported Commands and Server Response Codes
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_USER_CALLBACKHTTP user implemented callback data structure.
TCPIP_HTTP_NET_ConnectionPostReadPairReads a name and value pair from a URL encoded string in the network transport buffer.
TCPIP_HTTP_SSI_ATTR_DCPTHTTP SSI attribute descriptor.
TCPIP_HTTP_SSI_NOTIFY_DCPTHTTP SSI notification descriptor.
_HTTP_NET_HThis is macro _HTTP_NET_H.