3.4 mikroBUS Socket (J402)

A mikroBUS socket (J402) expands the functionality of the WFI32-IoT 2.0 board using the MikroElectronika mikroBUS Click adapter boards. The mikroBUS connector consists of the following:
  • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
  • Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
  • Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART)
  • Reset (GPIO)
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  • Analog and interrupt lines
  • 3.3V and 5V power lines
Table 3-2. mikroBUS Socket Pinout Details (J402)
Pin Number Pin on mikroBUS Socket Pin Description of mikroBUS Socket Pin on WFI32E03PC Module(1)
J402-1 AN Analog input AN14/ANN0/CVD14/CVDR14/RPA14/RA14
J402-2 RST Reset ETH_CLK_OUT/CVDT10/RPC12/RC12
J402-3 CS SPI2 Chip Select CVDT13/ETXD0/RPC15/RC15
J402-4 SCK SPI2 Clock SCK2/RPA11/RA11
J402-5 MISO SPI2 Host Input Client Output PTA_WLAN_ACTIVE/RPK5/RK5
J402-6 MOSI SPI2 Host Input Client Input BT_CLK_OUT/RPK4/RK4
J402-7 +3.3V 3.3V power +3.3V
J402-8 GND Ground GND
J402-9 GND Ground GND
J402-10 +5V 5V power 5V0
J402-11 SDA I2C Data SDA1/RPA5/RA5
J402-12 SCL I2C Clock SCL1/RPA4/RA4
J402-13 TX UART transmit PTA_BT_ACTIVE/RPK7/RK7
J402-14 RX UART receive TDI/PGD4/AN9/CVD9/CVDR9/RPB9/RB9
J402-15 INT Hardware interrupt ANN1/CVD15/CVDR15/RPA13/RA13
J402-16 PWM PWM output ANA0/RPB12/RB12
  1. For more details on the WFI32E03PC module pins, refer to the PIC32MZ W1 MCU and WFI32 Module with Wi-Fi® and Hardware-Based Security Accelerator Data Sheet (DS70005425).
  2. To have a fully functional UART click board, the R432 and R435 (default) resistors are populated on the WFI32-IoT 2.0 board.
  3. To have a fully functional CAN click board, populate the resistors (R433 and R434) and remove the resistors (R423 and R435) on the WFI32-IoT 2.0 board.
  4. To have a fully functional OLED click board, depopulate the R436 resistor on the WFI32-IoT 2.0 board.