4.2 SDRAM Controller Configuration

After the memory devices on board have been configured, the memory controller itself must be configured in order to match the characteristics of the devices.

In order to “dialog” properly with an SDRAM device, several values have to be set in the MPDDRC register fields (e.g. asynchronous timing, number of columns, rows, banks, etc). The SDRAM device data sheet provides most of the necessary settings for a correct setup. Some parameters like the number of columns, rows and banks are independent from the system setup and are device-specific. The timing settings (Trc, Tras, etc.) depend on system parameters like DDR clock, therefore they should be carefully gathered from the SDRAM data sheet.

Software support is provided with drivers and examples in the form of a software package.

Description is given below for each type of board used for this study.

Note: In the following tables, “(unchanged)” means that the value should remain the same as before (i.e., the value should be kept unchanged from previous or reset value).