

typedef struct BLE_GAP_CreateConnParams_T
    uint16_t                scanInterval;
    uint16_t                scanWindow;
    uint8_t                 filterPolicy;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          peerAddr;
    BLE_GAP_ConnParams_T    connParams;
} BLE_GAP_CreateConnParams_T;


Create connection parameters.

Field Documentation

scanIntervalRecommended scan interval setting. See Scan interval.
scanWindowRecommended scan window setting. It shall be set to a value smaller or equal to the value set for the scanInterval. See Scan window.
filterPolicyInitiator filter policy. It is used to determine whether the Filter Accept List is used. If the Filter Accept List is not used, the peerAddr argument specify the address type and address of the advertising device to connect to. See Initiator filter policy.
peerAddrThe address of peer connectable device, see BLE_GAP_Addr_T. It is invalid once filterPolicy is enable.
connParamsGAP connection parameters. See BLE_GAP_ConnParams_T.